Sunday, May 22, 2011

Familiar With Colleagues Can Make a Long Life

[Health Concern] Familiar With Colleagues Can Make a Long Life. Familiarity That intertwined with colleagues not only create barriers to communication in the office is reduced, but Also cans make us long life.

Social support received by a person from the work environment, this Could Be an indicator of how well he has relationships with colleagues, superiors, or subordinates.

Research conducted by a team from the University of Tel Aviv, Israel is done for more Than 20 years. The study involved 820 Adults Referred WHO were the resource persons to health services for routine examination.

Who Are The workers diagnosed with chronic illness or have mental illness are not included in the study. The participants worked in Various industrial fields, Such as finance, insurance, civil Servants, health workers, and Factories.

At the beginning of the study, respondents fill out a survey on working conditions, Including the amount of social support received. Social support is Considered high if an employee is to help colleagues solve the problem and is familiar with colleagues in his office.

During the study period Between the years 1988 - 2008, 53 respondents Died. Links Between familiarity interwoven with coworkers and death most evident in the respondents aged 38-43 years.

"These results Could Be Evidence of the importance of creating a work environment That is an open and familiar as the promotion of disease prevention. Enhancing intimacy with co-workers Could reduce the risk of death," Researchers said in a report in the journal Health Psychology.

(your health is your future)

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