Saturday, July 9, 2011

10 Benefits of Aloe Vera (74)

[Advantages] 10 Benefits of Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is a succulent tropical plant that has a shape like a fleshy leaves. This leaf has many benefits, both as drugs and for cosmetics.

Aloe vera is a plant that is quite unique because it contains various biologically active compounds, such as mannans acetate, polymannans, anthraquinone, and a variety of lectins. Aloe vera also contains about 75 types of substances that have been known to be useful and more than 200 other compounds that make it fit for use in herbal medicine.

Monday, July 4, 2011

7 Most Strange Disease

[Health Concern] 7 Most Strange Disease. Although there are many common diseases that we know not yet known cure, it turns out in the world is still a lot of strange health problems, no known cause, a rare, let alone no cure.

Here are 7 of the most bizarre and controversial.

Monday, June 27, 2011

7 Ways to Reduce the Habit "Snacking" Midnight

[Tips] 7 Ways to Reduce the Habit "Snacking" Midnight. Eliminate the habit of snacking at midnight sometimes not easy. Especially for those who already consider it a ritual. In fact, the habit of snacking at midnight can interfere with your diet program because there are additional calories are eaten before bed.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Nuclear Technology Helps Doctors See Cancer

[Health Concern] Nuclear Technology helps Doctors see Cancer. Compared to several decades ago, is now an opportunity to cure or longer survival of cancer patients are definitely improved because of increased knowledge and new therapeutic cancer treatment.

One supporter of cancer treatment that is not less important is the right diagnosis. With the technology of nuclear medicine, is now to determine the spread of cancer diagnosis can be done accurately by means of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Computed Tomography (CT).

Be careful, Junk Food can damage brain cells

[Health Concern] Be careful, Junk Food can damage brain cells. Experts in the United States again warned of dangers of the habit of eating junk food regularly.

According to latest research, food with high fat content, but the nutritional value of this zero can damage cells in the brain that controls body weight, and trigger a cycle of obesity. These findings also explain why people who are overweight are so difficult to lose weight.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mini Pool is Very Risky for Toddlers

[Health knowledge] Mini pool is very risky for toddlers. The parents should be more vigilant and strict monitoring of their children when uses mini-sized swimming pool. Studies in the United States shows, the number of cases of children who drowned due to play in this pool can not be taken lightly.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Broccoli, Friends of Women's Cancer-fighting

[Health knowledge] Broccoli, friends of women's Cancer-fighting. Some types of vegetables and fruits have been shown to prevent the spread of cancer cells, one of the invincible is broccoli. This dark green vegetables contain antioxidant compounds that help neutralize carcinogens.

Broccoli contains substances that stimulate the detoxification enzymes that naturally help the body eliminate toxins that cause cancer and dangerous.

Want to Fit? Do not Just Choose Fruits and Vegetables

[Health Knowledge] Want to Fit? Do not Just Choose Fruits and Vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are a source of foods rich in vitamins and fiber. However, two types of eating these foods alone will not be enough to warrant a person perform activities of daily optimally.

"The man to be healthy and fit not only of vegetables and fruits alone," said Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MSc, SpGK, Clinical Nutrition Specialist Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), in the event a book Peace with cancer surgery, some time ago in Jakarta.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

5 Ways to Reduce Toxins in the House

[Tips] 5 Ways to Reduce Toxins in the House. A healthy home should not be enough just to look clean and beautiful, but also free from toxic materials. Various research indicates the toxic chemicals easily found around the home, ranging from paint to carpet.

Canadian Partnership for Children's Health and Environment (CPCHE) mentioned exposure to chemicals can cause various health problems in children, such as asthma, cancer, developmental disorders, and birth defects. For that, CPCHE issued five recommendations to reduce exposure to toxins at home.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Vaccines body slimming

[Medicine] Vaccines body slimming. Have you ever thought about slimming through vaccination? At one point later, slimming body not only be done through diet or calorie restriction. Slim body also may be pursued through the streets of vaccination.

That is now being pursued by scientists in Europe. Last week, experts from Portugal succeeded in developing a similar vaccine that can reduce food intake of animals in laboratory rats. The hope, this vaccine can also be applied to humans and become one of the solutions against the epidemic of obesity in the future.

Comfortable sleeping position

[Tips] Comfortable sleeping position. No doubt the importance of sleep for health. But apparently not the case closed his eyes to sleep alone. One vote sleeping position can cause you to wake up in a state of aching or stiff neck and sore. Consider the position of sleeping to do and which ones should be avoided.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Cause of Aging Men Shorter Than Women

[News] The cause of aging men shorter than women. Research shows that male life expectancy on average five years shorter than women. In addition, high-risk men also suffer from cancer, accidents, smoking, drug abuse and obesity. The Adam was also generally less concerned about his health and come to the doctor.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wild Ginger Can Fight Aging

[Tips] Wild Ginger can fight aging. Herbal industry in Indonesia is currently developing research to exploit the potential of herbs in troubleshooting or degenerative diseases of aging.

According to Chairman of the Association of Herbal and Traditional Medicine, Charles Saerang, one study of medicinal plants are being developed utilizing a combination of ginger and bitter as the anti-aging.

Blood Tests Detect 100 Baby Illnesses In The Future

[Health Concern] Blood tests detect 100 baby illnesses in the Future. In the future, with just taking a bit of maternal blood samples for DNA examination, will be known a variety of conditions and disorders of the baby. Not only the disease down syndrome, but also eye color, height, depression and cancer risk, to risk the child will become gay or heterosexual.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Soursop to treat cancer

[Tips] Soursop to treat cancer. Many cancer patients believe in the benefits of fruit and soursop leaves as an alternative to treat cancer. In fact, some sources say soursop leaves are like chemotherapy and has the ability to kill cells that grow abnormally, and let the cells grow normally.

However, how the actual opinion of the medical community? According to Prof.. DR. dr. Soehartati G., Sp.Rad (K) Onk.Ra, Head of the Department of Radiotherapy, Home

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Importance of Walking For You

[Health Knowledge] The importance of walking for you. Keeping the body is always in good health and fit real easy to do. We do not need to pay expensive to stay healthy. Simplest and easiest way is to walk regularly.

By walking for 30-45 minutes every day, it turns out you can change the life become more healthy and meaningful. Here are the reasons why you should take the time to walk away in the middle of the daily routine:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fear During a Heart Attack Can be Fatal

[Health Concern] Fear during a heart attack can be fatal. Do you ever feel a very big fear-related disease that afflicts you? From now throw away that fear. Because research shows, an excessive fear it will adversely affect the healing process.

Research experts at London England involving 208 heart patients found that those with the highest levels of anxiety when experiencing a heart attack can actually end up with the worst conditions.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lowering Cholesterol With Soy Milk

[Tips] Lowering cholesterol with soy milk. Cow's milk, goat milk, or soy milk may be used to consume, but what about the milk from a donkey? Researchers reveal the donkey's milk is much more nutritious than cow's milk and contains less fat.

Researchers from the University of Naples, Italy, doing a comparison between the donkey's milk to cow's milk. As a result, the donkey's milk contains less fat and contain omega-3 fatty acids can help lower cholesterol.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Strong immune system due to healthy digestion

[Health Concern] Strong immune system due to healthy digestion. In a healthy body, there is a healthy bowel. Similarly, the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, said. The development of science to prove it because a healthy digestive system will strengthen the body's immune system which ultimately protects the body from various diseases.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Familiar With Colleagues Can Make a Long Life

[Health Concern] Familiar With Colleagues Can Make a Long Life. Familiarity That intertwined with colleagues not only create barriers to communication in the office is reduced, but Also cans make us long life.

Social support received by a person from the work environment, this Could Be an indicator of how well he has relationships with colleagues, superiors, or subordinates.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How to prevent outer ear infections.

[TIPS] How to prevent outer ear infections. All children at risk of external ear infections, especially if they are fond of swimming and diving in the water. Outer ear infection or acute otitis externa is also commonly called swimmer's ear.

In accordance with its name, swimmer's ear is the most widely suffered by many people who move in the water, like a swimmer. These infections occur because of water trapped in the ear canal is mixed with wax, so that the ear canal becomes wet and humid. These conditions increase the chance of bacterial growth.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Health Info is The Most Searched Internet Users

[News] Health info is the most searched internet users. Apparently the topic search on the internet is now being dominated on health related, at least this is what is happening in America.

Finding information about health turned out to be the goal 80 percent of Internet users in the United States. They also read the comments or testimony to the reader about a disease or health topics on the internet.

Shrinkage of The Brain Can Cause Forgetfulness

[Health Concern] Shrinkage of The Brain Can Cause Forgetfulness. Ability to remember that we have will eventually lose its charge. we are definitely aware of it. One cause of the decrease in our memory is the occurrence of brain shrinkage.

Did you know that the human brain will experience shrinkage with age? It is estimated that, after age 60 years there is shrinkage in the brains of half to one percent annually.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to Overcome Stress, Although Much Work is Piling Up

[TIPS] How to overcome stress, although much work is piling up. As someone who is always busy with daily routines, stress can not be avoided out of us. Often we feel our work is endless. Work not yet completed one, come again another job. It was no time to rest. It can not be avoided.

But remember that the body's health is paramount, because the mind is tense can damage your health. Rather than keep you feeling depressed by it, you can perform the following tips in order to reduce the burden on the mind.

Why Bananas Good for Slimming ?

[Diet] Why Bananas good for slimming. Bananas, in addition to the delicious taste and abundant nutrition, it has other benefits for the body, one of which is for slimming.

If any kind of food caloric value and low fat content but high in fiber and vitamins, this course is ideal slimming be an option in the program. One of the foods that can represent all these requirements is the banana.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tips to lose weight with potato juice

[TIPS] Tips to lose weight with potato juice. Are you looking for other tips to lose weight? Apparently there is an alternative way of weeks to realize you desire .. Potato juice ... Yes, potato rice commonly used as a meal replacement for people who want to lose weight. But the cooking process sometimes makes it lose nutritional content. Cooked potatoes will oxidize nutrients, removes important vitamins and minerals. Although high-carbohydrate, low fat and raw potatoes contain potassium and vitamin B complex.

Do not underestimate vitamin C

[Health Knowledge] Do not underestimate vitamin C. Vitamin C for this new mind when we're cold. In fact, vitamin C has the ability and power of work is so amazing. The more we study this vitamin, the greater our understanding will be beneficial for protecting health.

The latest study published in Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine that analyzed 100 studies in the past 10 years reveals a series of benefits of vitamin C which is still unknown.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4 ways to effectively avoid heart disease

[TIPS] 4 ways to effectively avoid heart disease. Heart disease is the most sadistic killer. Every year, tens of millions of people worldwide die from this disease and there are millions of people convicted as new carriers. Unfortunately, most people do not know that heart disease is preventable through diet and natural settings.

Monday, May 9, 2011

young people can also suffer from osteoporosis

[News] Did you know that osteoporosis can also be experienced by young people? Reduced bone density or osteoporosis are more experienced older people. But the woman was two or three decades can be affected by osteoporosis, although it rarely happens.

Tips to keep the wound to prevent infection

[TIPS] Have you ever suffered minor injuries? I'm sure you would've never experienced it. Usually we do not need a doctor when experiencing minor injuries or abrasions. However, it takes appropriate action to avoid infection and other complications. Here are the instructions what to do to treat minor injuries from the Mayo Clinic:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

lack of sleep can increase blood sugar

[HEALTH CONCERN] Do you suffer from sleeplessness? Though difficult to sleep negative effects for your body, you can read my article on "Tips for Improving Sleep Quality" There you can find tips to improve sleep quality. In this article I will discuss about the negative effects of sleep deprivation, such as to improve blood sugar for diabetics.

One more evidence about the benefits of sleep for health. Research shows that quality and adequate sleep can help stabilize blood sugar. That is why people with diabetes are advised to arrange his sleep patterns.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Benefits of red spinach.

[TIPS] Did you know red spinach? Yes, red spinach turned out to contain many benefits for our bodies.

Red amaranth plant family is from Amaranthacea. Scientific name is Amaranthacea Gangeticus. English Name is Red Spinach. he annual flowers that have dark purple flowers.

Spinach originated from tropical America. Until now, this plant has been spreading in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. In Indonesia, spinach can be grown throughout the year and was found at an altitude of 5-2 m above sea level, growing in hot and cold, but grows more fertile in the lowlands on open land where the air a bit hot.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Changing bad fats become friends

[News] According to the news that I quoted from the kompas, there are scientists who claim to be a good change of body fat. I quote the following success of the kompas:

The scientists claim, they managed to find a way to turn body fat into good fat type that can burn calories and lose weight.

Is ear candle therapy safe?

[TIPS] I'm sure you already know about the ear candle therapy, but whether this therapy is really safe? Let us refer to the following story which I quoted from the "kompas".

Accumulation of excessive dirt in the ear can cause hearing loss. That is why the ear should be cleaned regularly. Currently, many clinics that offer care cleaning the ears by using ear candle.

avoid stroke and heart disease by brushing your teeth?

 [TIPS] Surely you are wondering what the relationship between stroke and heart disease by brushing your teeth? Been a long time we have seen that the function of tooth brushing is to cleanse the mouth from bacteria and dirt.But, did you know that brushing your teeth turned out to have benefits far more important to your health?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

An apple a day keeps women’s cholesterol at bay

[TIPS] An apple a day may do more than keep the doctor away — it can lower levels of bad cholesterol and improve levels of good cholesterol without causing weight gain in women, according to a new study.

Women who ate 75 grams of dried apples every day for six months had a 23 percent decrease in bad LDL cholesterol, said study researcher Bahram H. Arjmandi, professor and chair of the department of nutrition at the Florida State University.

Tips for Improving Sleep Quality

[TIPS] Improve the quality of sleep is very important for us, especially those of us who are very busy with routine work. Assumption ideal bedtime is developed during a seven to eight hours. In fact, the figure is no longer the benchmark. Principally during sleep quality was good, no matter how long or short then you can come back fresh the next day.

Between the lungs and broccoli

[TIPS] Lungs and broccoli? whether the relationship between them? Nickname broccoli as a food multi seem indisputable benefits anymore. A new research revealed this brassica vegetables contain nutrients beneficial for respiratory health.

Do you know the benefits of magnets for health?

[TIPS] Benefits of a magnet for your health.Magnets for health benefits have been known since hundreds of years ago, both by Chinese and ancient Indian society and is now proven that the use of stone to produce magnets can overcome health problems.

Doctors SK Ramesh Amega Global Product Consultants in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Thursday said that health problems can be solved using the stone of which it produces magnetic stress, kidney disorders, liver, nervous disorders and insomnia.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tips to strengthen your memory

[Tips] Tips to strengthen your memory using roses.Roses turned out to spur his memory. The aroma has been proven to improve memory memory activity in the brain.

Journal Science reported, researchers from Germany perform experiments to prove whether certain smells can stimulate the brain's memory even if someone in a state of sleep.

Tips: to increase stamina by honey

[TIPS] Tips: to increase of stamina by honey. Here I'll share a little about one of the benefits of honey, as we have known that honey has a lot of benefit for us, one of which is as keeper of stamina.

Honey is known to have various kinds of content of sugars that are easily absorbed by the body to aid digestion, prevent kholik (seizures) in infants, overcome cough, respiratory disorders, and various properties of honey.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A cup of coffee help overcome numbness

[TIPS] A cup of strong coffee may have more benefits than just making people awake until morning, drink it also can prevent people stricken with multiple sclerosis / MS (multiple sclerosis).

Some researchers in Oklahoma found that mice appeared to be protected from conditions such as MS-numb on the whole body by drinking six to eight cups of coffee per day. "These are exciting findings and unexpected, and I think it may be important for the study of MS and other diseases," said Linda Thompson, of Oklahoma Medical Researh Foundation.

Eating tofu, increase the risk of memory loss ?

[TIPS] A study conducted by Professor Eef Hogervorst of Loughborough University showed that eating tofu in large numbers to make people experience memory loss or dementia. Studies conducted Hogervorst is in line with similar studies ever conducted on American-Japanese men aged.

drinking water in the morning and when the stomach is empty

[TIPS] In Japan is popular drink of water after waking up every morning. Water has been proved successful by a Japanese treatment for long and serious illness as well as modern illnesses. Such diseases are among others: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, diabetes, constipation large, all eye diseases, womb, cancer, came in smoothly, and diseases of ear, nose and throat.

Galangal for stomach disorders such as bloating

Galangal is usually used for treatment is a type of red ginger (Alpinia purpurata K. Schum.) In Chinese pharmacology and other traditional treatments mentioned, red ginger and antikembung antifungal properties.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Health Tip: Prepare a Diabetic Child for Insulin Shots

[TIPS] (HealthDay News) -- For a child with diabetes, blood glucose checks or insulin shots can be major sources of anxiety, especially at the beginning. Parents and caregivers may be no less fearful and guilt-stricken.

The American Diabetes Association suggests how to help you and your child get through blood sugar checks and insulin shots:

Family Meals Keep Kids Slimmer, Healthier, Study Finds

[TIPS] Eating meals with their families helps keep kids slimmer and healthier, a new study finds.

Researchers pooled data from 17 earlier studies and found that youngsters who joined family members regularly for meals were 24 percent more likely to eat healthy foods than kids who rarely ate with their families. They were also less likely to suffer from eating disorders.

Parents can "really relate to and understand" the findings, published in the May 2 issue of Pediatrics, said study lead author Amber Hammons, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

US mothers feed infants variety of herbal products

CHICAGO – New research suggests many U.S. babies are fed herbal supplements or teas.

Food and Drug Administration researchers led the study. It was released Monday in the journal Pediatrics and is billed as the first to examine broad use of such products in American infants.

BYU researchers hope twins unlock AIDS mysteries

SALT LAKE CITY – Researchers at Brigham Young University are trying to unlock some of the mysteries surrounding the virus that causes AIDS with a trio of studies addressing unusual cases involving a set of twins, a failed vaccine and a protein "stop sign."

The twin identical baby boys received a tainted transfusion and both became HIV-positive a few years ago.

China's new indoor smoking ban takes effect

BEIJING – China's latest push to ban smoking in indoor public venues came into effect Sunday, but the vaguely defined expanded rules were not expected to dramatically reduce the country's heavy tobacco addiction.

Smoking, which is linked to the deaths of at least 1 million people in China every year, is one of the greatest health threats the country faces, government statistics show. Nearly 30 percent of adults in China smoke, about 300 million people — a number roughly equal to the entire U.S. population.
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