Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Eating tofu, increase the risk of memory loss ?

[TIPS] A study conducted by Professor Eef Hogervorst of Loughborough University showed that eating tofu in large numbers to make people experience memory loss or dementia. Studies conducted Hogervorst is in line with similar studies ever conducted on American-Japanese men aged.

Hogervorst do his study of 719 elderly people (seniors) in urban and remote areas in Java. Not explained at any time and exact location of the study conducted Hogervorst. "Eating tofu in large numbers, at least once a day, dealing with bad memories, especially for those over the age of 68 years," Hogervorst explained in the journal Dementias and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. According Hogervorst, tofu contains micronutrients called phytoestrogens, which have a function similar to the female sex hormone estrogen.

There are a number of corroborating evidence that this substance can protect the brain young and middle-aged people from damage. However, its impact on the elderly is not certain. Hogervorst phytoestrogenmemicu suspected estrogen and cell growth, which is actually not good for the elderly brain. Estrogen in high doses lead to damage of cells by particles known as free radicals.

Hogervorst claimed not to know the negative impact of eating out in a reasonable amount. "Alternatively, the damage to memory instead of know, but from formalin which is often used as a preservative. It takes more thorough study of other ethnic groups to detect adverse know, "explained Hogervorst.

If you know have a bad impact for the elderly, on the other hand, Hogervorst said, tempeh has a good vitamin folate to improve memory. "Perhaps the interaction between the two folate and phytoestrogens protects people from the theory of memory damage," he explained.

(your health is your future)

source : masenchipz.com

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