Friday, May 6, 2011

avoid stroke and heart disease by brushing your teeth?

 [TIPS] Surely you are wondering what the relationship between stroke and heart disease by brushing your teeth? Been a long time we have seen that the function of tooth brushing is to cleanse the mouth from bacteria and dirt.But, did you know that brushing your teeth turned out to have benefits far more important to your health?

According to the findings Howard Jenkins and his colleagues from the University of Bristol in England, brushing your teeth can prevent you from heart disease and stroke.

Jenkins do research on a number of participants. He managed to find at least 700 bacteria in the mouth because rarely brush my teeth clean. As a result, bacteria grow rapidly in the mouth.

If your gums bleed, the bacteria will merge in the blood circulation so that the bacteria will spread throughout the body and cause various diseases.

The results showed the mouth is the dirtiest regions in the human body. Therefore, all people who want to be healthy and avoid illness should always clean their teeth to kill germs in the mouth.

In addition, Jenkins said the bacteria in the mouth is a factor that can cause heart disease.

"In other words, everyone will suffer from heart disease if you have dirty teeth.

And the study also proves why anti bioktik are not always able to work in the healing of heart disease, "said Jenkins.

Thus, diligent brushing teeth at least 2 times a day to avoid various diseases whose origins come from the mouth.

Hope can be useful. ^ ^

(your health is your future)
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