Sunday, May 1, 2011

Benefits of Broccoli and Cabbage

[TIPS] Though it has been known to eat certain vegetables, like broccoli, may help prevent breast cancer, but it is unknown mechanism active part in the vegetables that inhibit the spread of cells.

Some scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, reported their new research has shown that vegetables like energy healing work at the cellular level in Washington, Tuesday (23/12). The study is published in the journal Carcinogenesis, December issue.

"People can protect themselves from breast cancer by eating vegetables that can be consumed as near relatives such as cabbage and broccoli and cauliflower," said study lead author Olga Azarenko.

"These vegetables contain compounds called isothiocyanates', which we believe to be responsible for anti-carcinogenic activities in the cancer-preventive and vegetables," he said.

Their research focused on anti-cancer activity in one of these compounds, called sulforaphane, "or SFN.

It had been shown to reduce the event and the level of breast tumors caused by chemicals in animals. These substances inhibit the growth of cancer cells payudaya in humans, leading to cell death.

The researchers made the findings surprising, SFN prevent the spread of human tumor cells by one Meka nisme similar to the way anti-cancer drug "Taxol" and "vincristine" inhibit cell division dive "mitosis" is the process of division of the genome that have been duplicated by the cell into two cells identical to that produced by cell division.

However SFN much weaker compared with other drugs based on plants, so not too much toxic.

"SFN may be effective cancer prevention materials for SFN in preventing the spread and kill pre-cancerous cells," said study author.

The material may also be used as an extra for "Taxol" and other similar drugs to enhance the effectiveness of the killing of tumor cells without increasing toxicity.

(your health is your future)

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