Monday, May 2, 2011

Savor the fruit Jamblang

[TIPS] In Indonesia, this plant can live with infertility. Many people like the white flesh is rosy and smooth fruit skin is red and purple-black. The fruit is elliptical, as well as seeds. Duwet or often referred to as jamblang (Eugenia cumini or Syzgium cumini), including rare fruits. This plant belongs to the plant family Euphorbiaceae. Jamblang proved to have a chemical content which is quite rich. In his tanning substances contained tannins, flying oil, resin, acid Gallus, and glicosida. In substance there is seeded tannin, acid error, phytomelin glucoside, and alpha-phytosterol which is anticholestemik. Meanwhile, there are trees on the skin tannin substances.

Some diseases that can be overcome with the use of jamblang is a cold and diarrhea due to diabetes. Treatment for diarrhea due to cold and cold air by using jamblang limb skin. The skin is boiled. The water is filtered and drunk. To cope with diabetes, 15 grain seeds jamblang finely ground and boiled. Decoction was divided into three parts for one day. Repeat every day until the body feels fresh. Jamblang bark can be used also for diabetes. A total of 250 grams wet jamblang skin cut into pieces, and boil with 3 cups of water up into two glasses. Strain the water and then drink a little bit until they run out in one day.

(your health is your future)

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