Thursday, May 5, 2011

Between the lungs and broccoli

[TIPS] Lungs and broccoli? whether the relationship between them? Nickname broccoli as a food multi seem indisputable benefits anymore. A new research revealed this brassica vegetables contain nutrients beneficial for respiratory health.

The experts from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, United States, through his research expressed a kind of substance in broccoli can reduce damage to cells that trigger the occurrence of serious lung disease. Substance called sulforapane is proven to increase the concentration of NRF2 protein in lung cells as well as provide protection for the cells from the threat of damage caused by toxins or poisons.

In research published journal American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, researchers found that concentrations of NRF2 was significantly lower among smokers ill chronic obstructive pulmonary (COPD). NRF2 gene plays an important role in restoring and activating a number of important mechanisms such as removing toxins and pollutants that can damage cells.

At the trial in the laboratory, the research team led by Dr. Shyam Biswal succeeded in proving that sulforapane restore and improve the levels of NRF2 are decreased in the cells was exposed to cigarette smoke. Increased levels of NRF2 through the provision of sulforapane, it is believed will lead to the creation of a therapeutic treatment and prevention of COPD.

COPD is a disorder whose symptoms of chronic respiratory equipment including shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and contains a lot of phlegm. This is disturbing lung function and limit the respiratory tract and can cause respiratory and cardiac complications.

If left in place without a check, this disease akn worse with age. People with COPD usually difficulty in performing daily activities and usually died young.

(your health is your future)

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