Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tips to lose weight with potato juice

[TIPS] Tips to lose weight with potato juice. Are you looking for other tips to lose weight? Apparently there is an alternative way of weeks to realize you desire .. Potato juice ... Yes, potato rice commonly used as a meal replacement for people who want to lose weight. But the cooking process sometimes makes it lose nutritional content. Cooked potatoes will oxidize nutrients, removes important vitamins and minerals. Although high-carbohydrate, low fat and raw potatoes contain potassium and vitamin B complex.

Eating raw potatoes can help you lose weight because it is alkaline in the body, improve the ability of the digestive system and has a mild laxative effect.

But you can not just eat them for granted. Raw potato can be processed into juice to lose weight. Here's how, as reported by LIVESTRONG.

Step 1
To make juice, choose a small potato that has no green dots or black and not germinate. Small potatoes that have been harvested before fully ripe richer in nutrients. Potato sprout or greenish usually contain toxic alkaloids or solanine causes stomach cramps, diarrhea and headache.

Step 2
Do not peel the skin, because most of the nutrients contained in the skin and under the skin of potatoes. Make potato juice using a juicer or grated potatoes that had been cleaned, and squeeze the water.

Step 3
Drink half cup of potato juice 30 minutes before breakfast. If you do not like the taste, you can mix it with carrot juice. The combination of potatoes and carrots good to remove toxins from the liver.

Step 4
Drink half a cup pack two hours before bedtime. To reduce the taste is bland, you can add lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey, which makes better digestive function.

Step 5
Potato juice on a regular basis twice a day for two weeks. Follow also by eating healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, grains and protein. Avoid fried foods and sugar too much.

(your health is your future)

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