Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do not underestimate vitamin C

[Health Knowledge] Do not underestimate vitamin C. Vitamin C for this new mind when we're cold. In fact, vitamin C has the ability and power of work is so amazing. The more we study this vitamin, the greater our understanding will be beneficial for protecting health.

The latest study published in Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine that analyzed 100 studies in the past 10 years reveals a series of benefits of vitamin C which is still unknown.

In addition to improving immune function, vitamin C is also useful for accelerating wound healing, as antioxidants, healthy eyes, heart, to prevent skin wrinkles.

The study also reveals the benefits of vitamin C to prevent Alzheimer's disease, which causes us to become senile, and prevent cancer.

"Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants that can inhibit free radicals that can trigger cancer," said dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, a nutritionist from the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia.

He added, people who lack vitamin C is usually more susceptible to infection and when the pain, the wound healing process longer.

Once the importance of the benefits of vitamin C in maintaining the quality of life, Mark Moyad, MD from the University of Michigan, United States, who did research on vitamin C says, levels of vitamin C in the body could determine the overall health status. In other words, we may be considered less healthy if the lack of vitamin C.

Unfortunately, vitamin C can not be made the body so that must be met from the outside. In addition, levels of vitamin C in the network is also very fast declining due to very easily oxidized.

"Vitamin C can not be stored in large quantities because it is easily soluble in water, so that we can not eat a lot of vitamins to reserve a week for example," said Fiastuti.

Experience better

Under normal conditions, every day we need the vitamin C of about 45 mg. For women, when they are pregnant and lactating women, their needs go up, ie to 60 mg and 85 mg pregnancy while breastfeeding.

However, according to Fiastuti, people who are often exposed to pollution, stress, smoking, lack of sleep, or those who are recovering from illness requires vitamin C in higher numbers than normal.

Vitamin C can actually be obtained from the consumption of fruits and vegetables daily. However, modern lifestyles are increasingly busy and mobile to trigger proliferation of multivitamin supplement products.

For the consumption of vitamin supplements, Fiastuti not entirely agree. "When the body feels healthy, we should meet the need of vitamins from the fruit. If we take vitamin supplements, vitamin content was alone. While inside the fruit contains vitamins and minerals, fiber, fluids, and fitokemikal."

He also dismissed the notion of vitamins from supplements is more easily absorbed by the body. "Research on kiwi fruit shows vitamin C in fruit is proved five times more effectively absorbed by the body than supplements," he said.

As is known, the kiwi fruit has vitamin C is higher than other fruits, like oranges, apples, mango, or papaya.

The gold kiwi fruit size of 100 grams contains 105 mg of vitamin C and green kiwi contains 92.7 mg of vitamin C. Therefore, eat two kiwi fruit each day has enough body's need for vitamin C.

Another advantage mainstay of New Zealand fruit is rich in folic acid, has a low glycemic index or not quickly raise blood sugar levels making it safe for diabetics.

The research findings

Studies on the absorption capacity (bioavaibilitas) kiwi fruit was carried out on rats and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010.

In a research note, mice which were given intake of vitamin C than kiwi fruit had higher levels of vitamin C a constant and more effectively absorbed than the source of vitamins from supplements.

(your health is your future)

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