Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fear During a Heart Attack Can be Fatal

[Health Concern] Fear during a heart attack can be fatal. Do you ever feel a very big fear-related disease that afflicts you? From now throw away that fear. Because research shows, an excessive fear it will adversely affect the healing process.

Research experts at London England involving 208 heart patients found that those with the highest levels of anxiety when experiencing a heart attack can actually end up with the worst conditions.

As published European Heart Journal, the fear is closely related to the improvement of a substance in blood that indicates inflammation. Researchers stress, increased inflammation can cause long-term health consequences.

"The inflammatory response is known to damage a large heart, and improve heart problems in the long term as well as heart attack," Andrew Steptoe, professor of psychology at the British Heart Foundation.

The study was initiated by scientists at Imperial College found that the patients who have a great fear of death proven to have increased levels of TNF alpha - a marker that is associated with inflammatory processes in the body. The researchers also measured the variability of heart rate and stress hormone cortisol, three weeks after a heart attack.

"Fear of death is not just an emotional response, but also related to biological changes during an acute heart attack. This is an observational study, so we do not know whether to help people overcome fear can enhance healing clinically," said Steptoe.

Dr Mike Knapton, medical director of the British Heart Foundation, stated the study shows that those most anxious when the heart attack experience a greater increase in blood markers associated with inflammation.

"Inflammation previously been associated with increased risk of heart attack but we do not fully understand why it could happen. What we need to know now is, that we must eliminate the fear in patients with heart disease. And if this can be applied, it will produce good results for going forward, "he concluded.

(your health is your future)

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