Monday, May 16, 2011

Health Info is The Most Searched Internet Users

[News] Health info is the most searched internet users. Apparently the topic search on the internet is now being dominated on health related, at least this is what is happening in America.

Finding information about health turned out to be the goal 80 percent of Internet users in the United States. They also read the comments or testimony to the reader about a disease or health topics on the internet.

In a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project found 74 percent of the population in the U.S. are already familiar with the Internet. Information about diseases and health sought 80 percent of Internet users.

However, Internet users said they still prioritize your doctor or nurse opinions on matters related to health.

Surveys conducted by telephone on 3001 adults in the U.S. was also found 24 percent of Internet users read the latest medical therapies as well as on drugs. 18 percent of Internet users seeking the same experience about the disease and 16 percent faced by Internet users do online consultations with doctors and 15 percent seek information about medical facilities in the hospital online.

Pew said the development of technology that allows internet access is very broad, making it easier for people to share experiences or what they think. This includes posting reviews of medical therapy.

Surprisingly, Internet users are not simply read but also to apply what they learn. Approximately 27 percent of Internet users say they watch weight, exercise habits and diet, and care more about the symptoms of perceived illness.

In addition, 6 percent of Internet users admitted they actively make comments or ask questions on health sites. About 4 percent of Internet users discuss their experiences with pharmaceutical sites and write opinions about doctors or hospitals.

The survey results also found 62 percent of Internet users also use social networking sites like Facebook and 9 percent of them joined the community related to health.

 (your health is your future)


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